ES6 Object Oriented

This is the part of a series of blogs on the new features on the upcoming ECMAScript 6 (ES6) specification which JavaScript implements.

In this blog we focus on the class-based object oriented programming introduced in ES6.

Prototype-based #

Traditionally JavaScript is a prototype-based programming language which “classes are not present, and behavior reuse (known as inheritance in class-based languages) is accomplished through a process of decorating existing objects which serve as prototypes” - Mozilla MDN.

This basically means that we are able to mimic object oriented programming by creating an object with prototype methods which other objects will then use as a base or inherit.

var Animal = function(sound) {
    this.sound = sound;

Animal.prototype.speak = function() {

var cat = new Animal("Meow");
var aznCat = new Animal("Miao");

cat.speak();    // Meow
aznCat.speak(); // Miao

// Cat constructor
function Cat(sound, name) {, sound); = name;

// Inheritance call
Cat.prototype = Object.create(Animal.prototype);

// Method overwriting
Cat.prototype.constructor = Cat;
Cat.prototype.speak = function() {
    console.log( + " says " + this.sound);

var superCat = new Cat("meowmeowmeow", "Cinder");
superCat.speak()    // Cinder says meowmeowmeow
console.log(superCat instanceof Animal) // True
console.log(superCat instanceof Cat)    // True

Here we can see how Cat inherits prototype methods from Animal function (using the instanceof check) yet still retains its own implementation for the constructor and the speak method. We use Object.create rather than new Animal() since calling new would run the constructor function.

Class-based #

JavaScript is traditionally prototype-based since web browsers and client side computers were not powerful enough back in the day. It was seen as beneficial to JS since objects are essentially functions and we can create new objects at run time without defining classes (static code). However ES6 brings class-based object oriented programming into the world of JavaScript to have more modular, clean, and understandable code.

ES6 provides JS with structure when creating class-like functions by actually creating classes instead. This allows developers to have interoperable code with clear design patterns and readable declarations. ES6 Classes support prototype-based inheritance, super calls, instance and static methods, and constructors.

class Animal {
    constructor(sound) {
        this.sound = sound;

    speak() {

class Cat extends Animal {
    constructor(sound, name) {
        super(sound);   // calls the parent constructor = name;

    speak() {
        // super.speak() to use Animal/Parent's speak method
        console.log( + " says " + this.sound);

let superCat = new Cat("meowmeowmeow", "Cinder");
superCat.speak()    // Cinder says meowmeowmeow
console.log(superCat instanceof Animal) // True
console.log(superCat instanceof Cat)    // True

Here we can see how the code is more structured and modular than before. However prototypical inheritance will not be demised in ES6 so you’re still free to develop in this fashion as for now.

Encapsulation #

Encapsulation is when the data of an object is not directly exposed. This is usually done by returning a function that contains a limited set of public functions that interacts with the private data in the original function.

var Bunny = function(cuteFactor) {
    var cuteFactor = cuteFactor;

    function getCF() {
        return cuteFactor*1000;

    return {
        setCuteFactor: function(value) {
            cuteFactor = value;

Abstraction #

Abstraction in JavaScript is using interfaces by extending from them. Here are a couple of cases the ES6 Classes provides us with code readability and maintainability by defining the prototype inheritance of each Class.

Polymorphism #

Since JavaScript is not strongly typed, there are no hard requirements when variables are passed in as arguments to a function (unless you are using static type checkers such as Flow or TypeScript). Basically if you want to make sure that the variable passed has certain properties then you would need to leverage the instanceof function to assure you are working with the right object. = function(food) {
    if (food instanceof catFood) {
        return true;
    } else {
        return false;

Things to note #


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