ES6 Modules

This is the part of a series of blogs on the new features on the upcoming ECMAScript 6 (ES6) specification which JavaScript implements.

In this blog we focus on the Module features introduced in ES6 which are comprised of Imports and Exports.

Syntax #

It’s quite simple with only import and export keywords.

Modules #

While modules are not a new thing for many javascript developers with the rise of Asynchronous Module Definition (AMD) and CommonJS (CJS), ES6 offers devs a standard way of importing and exporting modules to have more modular code. Modules allows for runtime behaviour defined by a host-defined default loader. Modules are also async in nature in that no code runs before the request modules are available and processed.

Export #

We will base off the examples off this base code for exports:

function foo() {
    return "I am foo";
function bar(a, b) {
    return a + b;

var fizz = "buzz";


export fizz


export {foo, bar}

Renamed functions:

export {foo as f, bar as b}

If you want to export the imported value you can use the default keyword:

import math from "lib/my-math-module";
math.PI = 3.14;
export default math; // exports lib/my-math-module


export * from "lib/my-math-module";

Import #

Basic Syntax:

import myModule from "my-module.js";
import "my-module.js" as myModule; // equivalent

One variable:

import {myMember} from "my-module.js";

Multiple variables:

import {foo, bar} from "my-module.js";

Mixed imports:

import MyModule, {foo, bar} from "my-module.js";
alert( === foo); // true

Renaming imports:

import {annoyingJavaClassName as className} from "my-module.js";
alert(className); // annoyingJavaClassName


import * as math from "lib/my-math-module";
alert("time= " + math.abs(10.17));

In Practice #

As I mentioned, its not an entirely new thing for anyone who has done a large scale javascript project. This does allow developers to have a standard way of defining modular approaches to organizing code and keeping it simple (stupid).


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